Everything you need to use video for recruiting

Olivia Howe
Recruiter, Infoblox
Healthcare • 10 yrs experience
Austin, TX
Love it. It feels more authentic when you learn directly from the employer. Makes me feel like I would get a real sense of the job.
Would you be more likely to apply to a job if it included authentic videos from the employees at the company?
200 Responses • Ages 18-44 • College or Trade School or Post-Grad Degrees • Currently Employed • Greater than 50% likelihood of being in the job market in next 4 years
Hospitality • 2 yrs experience
Athens, GA
great to have the chance to get a glimpse into the workplace! I prefer video so this is certainly better for me
IT Services • 8 yrs experience
San Diega, CA
Love. I think it’s a smart idea to use authentic videos of employees, it gives an overview. I just hope they’re genuine.
Insurance • 5 yrs experience
Tacoma, WA
Total game changer to see videos of the hiring manager! Thank you!
Education • 8 yrs experience
Houston, TX
You can tell if the person in the video has a flat affect or if they genuinely seem excited for you to apply, you can get a better feel for company culture. It's not dissimilar to the employer offering you their side of the interview process first, which humanizes both the organization and the interviewer.
Education • 4 yrs experience
Boston, MA
This is a great idea. I would love to see more jobs have this during the hiring and recruiting process. For me what's most interesting is putting a face/person with a job-posting.
How would you rate a job posting that includes video of employees in the company vs one that does not
200 Responses • Ages 18-44 • College or Trade School or Post-Grad Degrees • Currently Employed • Greater than 50% likelihood of being in the job market in next 4 years
Would you be more likely to respond to a recruiter if they shared authentic video from the employees at the company?
200 Responses • Ages 18-44 • College or Trade School or Post-Grad Degrees • Currently Employed • Greater than 50% likelihood of being in the job market in next 4 years
Legal Services • 8 yrs experience
Littleton, CO
Oh wow this was a super cool experience. It helped me get a sense of the job. One recommendation is to have them talk more about culture which is interesting to me
Insurance • 11 yrs experience
Atlanta, GA
I love it as long as they aren't scripted. We want to know what's real, like how people actually feel about working there. Also tell me about your perks and benefits!
Tech • 3 yrs experience
Seattle, WA
I think this is a great idea. it creates a new dimension to the job search process which is helpful to me.